Princess Baking Wishlist ♡

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Hello lovelies!

I've been working extra hard at improving my baking skills of late, as it's something I really enjoy doing and I find it helps me relax a lot more. Baking through Autumn and Winter is my favourite in particular, there's just something about baking on a cold, cosy day, when you can hear raindrops tapping at the windows, as the scent of warming cakes fill the kitchen. 
I have so many things I'd love to have to bake with, my birthday is in October, so I thought this would give me present ideas also. 

1. Kitchen Aid Artisan Food Processor| Pink
2. HHYS Pink Hand Mixer| Baby Pink
3. Premier Housewares 5kg Kitchen Scales| Pink
4. Kitchen Craft Oven Gloves| Heat Resistant
5. Silicone Fondant Mould| Tinkerbell
6. Silicone Non Stick Placement Mat| Fondant Pink
7. Bow Fondant Moulds| Lavender
8. Cupcake Apron| Pure Cotton
9. Three Piece Tool Set| Silicone Pink

I don't know if it's obvious enough, but I love the colour pink...So of course all the baking wishes I have are baby pink.
I'd absolutely love to have a baby pink Kitchen Aid mixer, I think it's every bakers dream choice, they are rather pricey at nearly £500, but I think the price says a lot about the quality of this product. That is a bit out of reach at the moment, so my second choice was the baby pink hand whisk, they both do the exact same job and both very cute! 
Scales are a complete essential for baking and why not have some pretty ones? I found these ones on Amazon and what drew me to them, other than the fact they're baby pink is the vintage feel they have.
My next pick are these baking gloves, I keep using tea towels, which isn't the best idea due to the fact I keep burning the teeny tips of my fingers when I grab my trays out of the oven, these would be perfect for all my cooking.
How could I do any sort of wish-list without incorporating anything Disney related? This little fondant mould in the shape of Tinkerbell screamed adorable to me! I'd love to make Tinkerbell cupcakes and sprinkle pixie dust all over them.
I was watching 'Catherine Bakes' and I saw she used this mat to help create her beautiful little fondant creations. She also had it in pink too and that made up my mind!
Another fondant mould product, but this time it's for bows. I love bows and feel they leave a pretty touch to anything, an outfit...A cupcake, it's even better on a cupcake, because that way it's edible! 
I already own a basic apron, but I think a pretty apron would add to my outfit and make me feel more like Snow White whilst baking.
Last but not least, a little baking utensils set, it has two spatulas and a egg brush, these will all come in handy for so many baking/cooking projects.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I already have a baking post in the works, so keep an eye out for that!

Kellie Jo

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