Kylie Jenner Lip Tutorial

Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Hey everyone.

Massive apology as I haven't posted in waaaay over a week, due to not having internet for 7 days; but I'm back with this post I hope you all like.

There has been a lot of hype on the internet over whether Kylie Jenner has had something cosmetically done to her lips, or if they're natural. Either way it's her business and I love the look, so I've found 3 drugstore products to get the desired look.

I like to start off my moisturising my lips and I hear Kylie Jenner is a fan of EOS, so I had to use an EOS lip balm in 'Sweet Mint'.

To start the lip look of I used 'Rimmel's Lasting Finish' lip liner in 'Tiramisu', I lined my outer lip and inner lip. You can go over your natural lip line a little bit to give off that you have fuller lips ( I did myself) 

The 3rd and final product I use to get the look is a 'Rimmel Lasting Perfection Lipstick: Kate Moss Collection (113)' and I just cover my lips with this.

Here is the finished look:

I hope you liked this re-creation and be sure to stay tuned to my blog as I have lots of exciting posts coming soon.

Peace Out.

Twitter: @KellieSaunders1
Instagram: KellieJoSaunders

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2 comments on "Kylie Jenner Lip Tutorial"
  1. GORGEOUS! This lipstick has now gone straight on to my wish list!

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic
