Friday, 26 January 2018

Oh. My. Goodness. Where do I start?... 
As you saw by the title, I GOT ENGAGED! I cannot explain how happy and excited I am to be writing this blogpost. I don't usually write anything personal on my blog, it's usually beauty and fashion based topics, but this is my little corner of the internet and my life isn't all about beauty and fashion, (even though that is what I love.) I would like to share more about what happens in my life. 
This is a whole new chapter of our relationship. 

The proposal was a total surprise! We had discussed getting engaged, married etc, but Jamie kept telling me he's got plans for "next year", which completely blinded me. In all fairness, he was going to wait until next year (2018), but once he got the ring, that changed it for him, he couldn't wait, he got so excited and wanted to propose sooner. He decided to go to the same jewelers we went to design our promise rings, he designed my engagement ring all himself, 9ct gold, with 7 diamonds, 3 mixed sized ones on the lead up to the one larger one.
It's perfect for my small hands! I absolutely love it and think it's beautiful, but I am biased.

We became a couple a week before Christmas, so Christmas has always felt like our season, we both also love Christmas, so Jamie decided to make the time of year even more magical.
The 18th December 2017 marked us being a couple for 3 years. He decided that was going to be the day. We already arranged the day together, we was going to one of my favourite places, Canterbury Cathedral and then to dinner at Zizzi's in the evening.
Our day all went to plan, but as we was going round the cathedral Jamie wanted to go to the Cloister, which looks like a scene out of Hogwarts, as we were walking around and that was his moment and it was the most perfect. He made the moment so romantic, he done amazingly!
Jamie and I lit 4 candles at the catherdral, 3 was to remember my two Nan's and my Grandad, whom are no longer here. The fourth candle was to remember Jamie's Grandpa, whom is no longer with us. Doing that small gesture, made it still felt like they was there with us.

On the 18th December 2014, we became a couple.
On 18th December 2015, we gave each other our promise rings.
On 18th December 2017, we got engaged.

K xxx

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2 comments on "I GOT ENGAGED! "
  1. This is so cute! Congrats you guys! <3

    Anne // www.basifpa-and-did.co.uk

  2. Congratulations! It's so lovely that your anniversary date has hosted so many wonderful moments.

    Chloe x

