What I Got For Christmas 2015!

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Well another Christmas has happened and I have been very spoilt this year, I wanted to join in with everyone doing their Christmas hauls! Here is a few bits I got for Christmas...

This is the make up products I got, from my Mum, Dad, Nan and my boyfriend got me the Smashbox mini Double Exposure palette. 

Here are all the perfumes and "smelly's" I got this year!
Estee Lauder's Youth Dew set, Charlie Red set, Lynx for girls, an Impulse spray set and my favourite, Chanel no5!!!

Here are a few random bits: A little mirror, with pink glitter writing saying 'Glitter is my favourite colour', a pastel coloured jumper dress and baby pink Bambi pj's!

As well as the Smashbox palette, my boyfriend got me these lovely things: A Chanel lipstick and nail polish, a hoodie, a pair of 101 Dalmatians socks and some Lush bits; Lush Pud, Father Christmas, So White and Snow Fairy!

What did you get for Christmas? 

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6 comments on "What I Got For Christmas 2015!"
  1. Very jealous of your chanel makeup I put up one of these posts yesterday if you fancy a nosey
    What I got for Christmas - Coleoftheball xx

    1. I am very spoilt, hehe! I'll take a look at what you've got :)

  2. Chanel and Bambi pjs!! What a perfect combo!! Love them. Merry Christmas lovely xxx


  3. you got some really lovely things!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

  4. You got some lovely bits for Xmas! :) The Smashbox mini double exposure looks so lovely, and loving the 101 Dalmation socks :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee
