Easter Baking: Chocolate Mini Egg Cupcakes

Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Hello lovelies! 
Beautiful spring time is upon us and I can certainly say I've loved seeing the cherry blossom petals falling upon my head and all around, making everything pretty as can be. I've spotted all the Easter bunnies around lately, as it's Easter weekend this weekend! I booked a few days off over Easter to really make the most of this special time of year with my family.

One of my favourite things to do over Easter is bake seasonal treats! 
I opted for these scrumptious chocolate cupcakes, with a luscious chocolate buttercream and a perfectly pastel mini egg to top it off! 
These would be perfect all over the Easter weekend, especially if you have lots of leftover mini eggs!
The recipe to make these cupcakes are...
Utensils   - Cupcake cases
            Piping bag
            Star nozzle
                           12 Hole cupcake tray
Cupcake   - 40g Cocoa powder
                            4 tbsp Boiling hot water 
                          3 Free range large eggs 
                                     175g Unsalted butter (softened)
                165g Caster sugar
                       115g Self raising flour
                    1 tsp Baking Powder
Buttercream    - 60g Unsalted butter (softened)
       30g Cocoa powder
3 Tbsp milk
   250g Icing sugar
Mini eggs

Method for cupcakes - 1. Line a muffin tin with paper cases (any of your choice, I'd recommend something with an Easter theme, or some pastel pretties!)
2. Sift the cocoa powder into a big bowl and then add the hot water, begin to mix together into a paste.
3. Add the eggs, butter, sugar, flour and baking powder, mix with an electric whisk for a smooth batter, but beating with a wooden spoon works just as well too.
4. Divide the mixture evenly between each of the 12 cases, bake in a preheated oven at gas mark 6 for 15 minutes, until well risen and springy to touch. Once they're baked transfer onto a wire cooling rack.

Method for buttercream - 1. Melt the butter slightly and place into a bowl, sift in the cocoa powder and combine, once it's combined sift in the icing sugar a little bit at a time and stir. You should have a smooth, glossy consistency now, if the icing is thick, add the milk gradually until it reaches desired consistency. 
2. Once the cakes are cool, using your piping bag to swirl the delightful chocolate buttercream over your cupcake and place a mini egg in the centre.

They should look a little something like these... 😄

I hope you all have a healthy, happy and safe Easter week/weekend, filled with bunnies, chicks, pastel blossoms and lots of yummy chocolate eggs!

K xxx

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