Self Care Sundays ~ My pamper routine and tips to relax

Sunday, 2 February 2020
Hello lovelies!

Over the past few months I've seen a lot of people using Sunday's as 'Self Care Sunday's' and I absolutely love the idea!!
I think it's really beneficial to dedicate some time your yourself at least once a week, to reflect and look after your mental health, this way you can also organise and prepare for a productive week ahead.
I find if I'm not organised, I lose track of all the things I need to do and that causes me to be anxious.

My number one 'Self Care Sunday' tip is probably the most popular choice... A pamper morning or evening!
Taking some time to make yourself feel better should always be a priority! I personally love to start with hair care, washing my hair, using a nourishing hair mask and some macadamia oil to leave it feeling silky smooth, I also use a heat protectant spray which is very important for your hair care if you're using heat. Next up is a warm bubble bath, lately I have been changing products to cater to my sensitive skin, I've found the brands Aveeno, Oilatum and The Body Shop 'Shea' have been an absolute dream for my skin, has lessened irritation to my skin and it's becoming clear and glowy ~ Even through the winter months. Whilst in the bath I love to also pamper my face with a face mask, the best I’ve found for my skin so far is Lush’s ‘Mask of Magnaminty’, but for Christmas I was gifted these two different masks to try, The Body Shop’s ‘Aloe’ sheet mask and Superdrug’s ‘Fruit Sorbet’ peel mask, which I’m excited to see if they help improve my skin!

Next is nail care, I have recently made the choice to stop damaging my nails with false and gel nails. I have very tiny nails that aren’t very strong, they break a lot and struggle to stay long naturally, so I’m hoping by using strengthening nail polishes and taking different precautions I can improve them. I am loving the ‘Sally Hansen’ nail strengthening polish and Essie’s range of ‘Treat and Colour’ nail polishes, combining having nail colour and protection!

After I put on a cosy pair of pjs, I like to light a candle, usually a Yankee Candle tealight, around this time of year something like 'Soft Cotton', it's a light and fresh scent pre-springtime. I like to have a hot cup of tea and a large glass of water. I have put together a list of things you could do to relax over the day or evening...

~ Read some of your current book, or start reading one! I have a little pile of books I need to start reading, including some Megan Hess and 'A Little Princess'. I also have a 'GoodReads' account which I love, it's a reading progress app and it can introduce you to a whole new world of books. My username is 'KellieSaunders1'.

 ~ Yoga and stretching. I have learnt how much my body benefits from making sure my muscles are stretched and it helps strengthen them, I feel much better within myself from this. Not just physically, but mentally too, some time to do something good for your body.

~ Write in your planner and make lists - This is something I love to do everyday, but especially ready for the new week ahead. I love writing my to do list down and ticking it off feels like I've accomplished more and it's a visual thing, I also forget all the little things otherwise, so it's feels me not become overwhelmed.

I'd love to know in the comments what you love to do on your 'Self Care Sunday's' and I hope you've had a restful Sunday!

Have a wonderful week :)

Kellie Jo xxx

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