What I Got For Christmas 2016!

Monday, 26 December 2016
Merry Christmas! There always seems to be such a huge build up to Christmas, the it goes so quickly, it's always a lovely and magical time! I have been watching lots of people's "What I Got For Christmas'" and was eager to join the bandwagon with mine, which seemed to be a very Disney themed Christmas! My parents got me a pair of baby pink, bow slipper...

21st Birthday Haul!

Sunday, 16 October 2016
I have just turned 21!!!  How time flies...I've done a birthday haul for a few years in a row now, but this one is extra special as it's my 21st! This isn't all of what I got, I was very lucky to have received so many wonderful gifts and lots of money for a trip to London, so I've picked the more beauty/fashion gifts for this post. Starting...